I'm Jo Stoate
DipNT (CNM), mANP, BA (Hons)
I am a mum and wife based in north Dorset where my husband is a traditional stoneground flour miller and I run my clinic.
In my early 40s I experienced menopause followed by a re-emergence of chronic asthma which had affected me in childhood. Numerous antibiotics for recurring chest infections and two hospitalisations for bronchitis left me physically depleted and unable to carry out basic tasks. With an interest in integrative therapies, my situation led me into a career change and to study Naturopathic Nutrition at the renowned College of Natural Medicine. This was both rigorous and transformative, opening my eyes further to the meaningful health changes achievable through nutrition and lifestyle modifications and commitment. I needed to make changes but didn't understand the 'how' or where to start.
I bring a lived experience to clients, one that is a continuing journey, affirming that our body knows healing. This is one piece of advice I give prospective clients, your body can heal itself. I feel passionately that our daily habits including diet, lifestyle and environment create health or coupled with genetics can lead to dysfunction and then sadly chronic complaints. I love what I do, to see clients transform and to create awareness of the fact that there is so much that we can do to support and nourish ourselves.
Also, soon to be a Naturopath.

What is Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy?
There is so much health information out there that it can be confusing knowing which way to turn. The focus of Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy is 'food as medicine' and 'treating the whole person and not the disease'. This seems really obvious, but has struggled to be heard. It is evidence based and takes a Functional Medicine approach to health, assisting individuals in achieving optimal wellbeing by getting to the root cause of the problem.
Working 1-2-1 with a qualified therapist, a lengthy case is taken which examines individually each body system, evaluates current eating habits and lifestyle and medical history. This provides clues to the root cause of a health concern, the triggers and drivers, and risk factors.
Because everyone is unique, a detailed protocol with sustainable nutritional and lifestyle strategies is tailored to individual need with regular checkins scheduled to review and build on progress. The body's systems are optimally supported and self-healing mechanisms promoted both in the present and in the future. Short term herbal and/or nutrient supplementation can be recommended with consideration of drug-nutrient contraindications. Functional testing can assist an individual by measuring functionality of specific body systems or nutrient imbalances.
For example, a client experiencing gastrointestinal difficulties might be stressed too. Our gastrointestinal and adrenal function are interlinked and support each other. Stress and exhaustion due to adrenal imbalance affects digestion, absorption and excretion by reducing both digestive juice secretion and peristalsis. Whilst gut dysfunction will affect the adrenals by causing poor nutrient status, insulin spikes and general toxaemia. A negative cycle of worsening health in all body systems is created. We would work together to create a healthy non-toxic gut terrain (this will enhance the adrenals by creating blood sugar balance and optimal nutrient status) and a state of calmness (improved adrenal reserve promotes healthy digestive juice production and peristalsis which will enhance digestion, absorption and excretion).
We can all benefit from nutritional therapy, with so much in the 21st century accepted as 'normal' living and stress a default state. Endless digestive issues with bloating and constipation; poor immunity with cold after cold, mental health challenges, skin complaints ... are just some of the issues experienced and accepted by many. A key principle is that as therapists we don't just want to 'cure' the client in the present, we want to instil methods of effective self-care going forward and an understanding of individual issues.
If you choose to work with me, I will help you take back control of your health, to alleviate and prevent illness and age gratefully, using science and research based advice.