What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a system of healthcare that encourages and promotes the body’s self-healing mechanism and uses therapies such as nutrition, fasting, hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, flower essences and others. It has five principles:
01. The Healing Power of Nature: the body can heal itself given the right conditions and treatment.
02. Treat the Cause, not the Symptom: why is the disease there, where did it come from and therefore what is the cause? The question is not what is the disease.
03. Treat the Whole Person: to recognise individuality with the whole person taken into account. The person is treated, not the symptoms.
04. Prevention is Preferable to Cure: the importance of ‘prevention’ is promoted, this is essential. Most diseases are clearly linked to diet, lifestyle and the environment, it is therefore essential we address these in order to prevent disease rather than just reacting when it is present.
05. Eduation: to bring a better understanding of health, how to attain and maintain it and how to avoid creating an environment in which disease can result.
Nutritional therapy follows all five principles. It uses food as medicine, detoxification and cleansing, and a blend of traditional medicine and scientific research. Treating the whole person and not the disease seems really obvious but has struggled to be heard. Evidence based, this modality assists individuals in achieving good health and wellbeing by addressing the root cause.