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Guiding you to better health

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner I work to help you resolve symptoms, rather than putting a bandaid on and suppressing them, and/or reach your goals. My approach delves into the root cause and takes a nutrition and lifestyle approach to help you implement changes that get you back to feeling your best.

What is the process?

Discovery Call

You are invited to discuss your health concerns and/or goals in a FREE 20-minute discovery call, learn about my approach and to ask any questions you might have.


Health Questionnaire

Prior to your initial consultation you will be asked to complete a comprehensive health questionnaire and 7-day food and drink diary so that I can understand your symptoms and health history.​​ Your general health, diet, sleep, emotional health, movement and self-care are appraised. At this point there will be some grey areas but they will become clearer as we progress through our sessions.


Initial Consultation

During your initial consultation, we will thoroughly review your health questionnaire, evaluate your diet and lifestyle, and discuss your health goals and concerns. Using the information gathered, I will identify potential factors contributing to your health issues and offer personalised nutrition and lifestyle recommendations. These suggestions will aim to enhance your well-being and support you on your journey to good health


During check-in sessions progress is reviewed and built on accordingly, you will notice how symptoms change as you move towards resolution and your plan will be tweaked accordingly. Regular meetings allows for small, manageable steps to be taken that don't overwhelm you and for you to be fully supported.


Functional Testing*

Functional testing may be recommended to assist our investigations, and could include digestive function, heavy metal analysis, allergy and antibody profiles, nutrigenomics testing (DNA), hormone panels etc. If tests are available via your GP, these will be considered first.

Bach Flower Remedies

Gentle remedies are tailored to individual need, if required, so that gentle support is received for emotions that can impact physical health and aid overall wellbeing.



Short-term supplementation* with appropriate therapeutic doses may be necessary so that nutrient deficiencies can be addressed and nutritional status optimised thus supporting the healing process.


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